Saturday, December 29, 2007

sushi on ice

Illmensee - South Germany - dec 07

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

merry christmas 07

airbrush on woodplate
by W.Moser

dec 07

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Chimneys/ Antennas 2

Epinal, Winter 2007

Which is the right smoke to reach God?

Merry Christmas ;)

This room

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Like an Elephant Jumping on Water-Lilys

"The highest level of imagination is to be suprised with the expected" Rudolf Kassner

Thursday, November 22, 2007

german street talks

Trier nov 2007

(...what do you think about the guy - nice car - she is gazing after the guy - no - she checks up the car - no - she is looking for both - seems like they are attracted by the car -why not by us? - don´t we have nice roundings as well?- I think it´s the colour that matters - maybe if we change our colour, the waste separation would work - anyway, can´t you read - they already start looking for new models,...
whatever - for sure he will not come with us to the alps next year...!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Antennas

Which is the right frequence to reach god?

Trier - fire service building 11/07

Friday, November 16, 2007

Point of View

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trapped in Paradise

Dungeons in a 17th Century Castle. If only they could see outside...

Forte de S.Filipe. Setúbal, Portugal

Friday, October 26, 2007

Everything from London is represented

A police car, a taxi, a bus, a bike.

Agency of recruitment in London

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"liberté, égalité, fraternité"

it made people looking up into the sky, kids smiling and yelling,
and I think not only I was touched by this small natural spectacle.

...but I guess I may have missed the flight...

"like a southern bird, that stayed north too long"
smog - palimpsest

what about you?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Camouflage 2 - Play on scale

Outside by itself

Two-in-one outside


Musée des Arts premiers- Paris

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Monday, October 08, 2007

History Repeating Itself

Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein (Germany) and Château du Haut-Koeningsbourg (France).

what makes us believe in a candle?

lux - sep 2007

and what if things come true?

Sunday, September 23, 2007


France trying to



and tie

a french grey sky

Thursday, August 23, 2007

finding messages

whatever may come - this comes at last

free music

for AnaC

Thursday, August 16, 2007

home sweet home

...our neighbours bought a brand new couch,...
she did the measurements, she said...
(...well - not much to add to this...)
then she came to me and asked for the jigsaw...
this morning it was in... - guess I don´t wanna know how,...
my diploma was about pluggable furniture - that`s why!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Voyage dans le temps

Tuesday, July 24, 2007



Sunday, July 22, 2007

Solitude 2

"Les nuages fuient
à l'accéléré,
happés par
du ciel

insaisissable point de fuite".

R. Debray, L'indésirable.

To what love serves?

Retour de dédicace... ;-)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The sun rises in the East

Gare de L'Est

Björk- Harm of Will

Art in movement

Child meeting the "Waterlilies" of Monet

Cinematic Orchestra- All thing to all men

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Raining day

Craig Armstrong - Weather Storm

Monday, May 21, 2007


- L'un e(s)t l'autre-
Rennes, mai 2007

Chopin - Etude n°3 Opus 10

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Goethe - Les souffrances du jeune Werther

"Notre tranquilité sur bien des questions n'est qu'une résignation fondée sur des chimères, semblable à celles de prisionniers qui auraient couvert de peintures variées et de riantes perspectives les murs de leur cachot"

Friday, May 11, 2007

De la nécessité de l'oubli

Dans le plus petit comme dans le plus grand bonheur, il y a toujours quelque chose qui fait que le bonheur est le bonheur: la possibilité d'oublier ou, pour le dire en termes plus savants, la faculté de se sentir pour un temps en dehors de l'histoire. L'homme qui est incapable de s'asseoir au seuil de l'instant en oubliant tous les événements du passé, celui qui ne peut pas, sans vertige et sans peur, se dresser un instant debout, comme une victoire, ne saura jamais ce qu'est le bonheur, et, ce qui est pire, il ne fera jamais rien pour donner du bonheur aux autres. Imaginez l'exemple extrême: un homme qui serait incapable de rien oublier et qui serait condamné à ne voir partout qu'un devenir; celui-là ne croirait pas à son propre être, il ne croirait plus en soi, il verrait tout se dissoudre en une infinité de points mouvants et finirait par se perdre dans le torrent du devenir. Finalement, en vrai disciple d'Heraclite, il n'oserait plus bouger un doigt. Tout acte exige l'oubli, comme la vie des êtres organiques exige non seulement la lumière, mais aussi l'obscurité. Un homme qui ne voudrait rien voir qu'historiquement serait pareil à celui qu'on forcerait à s'abstenir de sommeil ou à l'animal qui ne devrait vivre que de ruminer et de ruminer sans fin. Donc, il est possible de vivre presque sans souvenir et de vivre heureux, comme le démontre l'animal, mais il est impossible de vivre sans oublier.

Nietzsche, Considérations inactuelles, II §1

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Recoller les morceaux

- Lendemain de l'élection présidentielle, Rennes -


- Lendemain de l'élection présidentielle, Rennes -

Saturday, May 05, 2007


metz avril 2007

c´est juste?

et impressions

Monday, March 19, 2007

playground europe

Playground Berlin

europe seems to be worth a trip...

I didn´t take the last picture, when the good girl on the right fell down from the see-saw...
...and while writing that post I am eating an instant asia noodle snack...
everybody it´s pleasures...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The place to be

-All roads lead to Rome (february 07)-
Like everywhere in Europe, all roads lead to a place with a fountain.
Like everywhere in Europe, a lot of people are meeting there on satursday afternoon.
Some of them are dating.
Some are just friends waiting for their friends to arrive.
Some others are here because its the place to be, to be seen or to begin.
And all are watching each other, watching people they probably never would meet again.

Gustavo Santaolalla - Tazarine

Monday, March 12, 2007

Freundschaft geht durch den Magen

Landau März 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007

watching (for) art (by) watching

watching art (feb 2007)

remake of a statue-feet for the "Constantine the Great" - exhibition in Trier

watched by art (oct 2006)

Portrait d´Eva Callimachi-Catargi
Henri Fantin-Latour (1836 - 1904)

art by watching (oct 2006)

next to the
Pavilion for the 3rd International Sculpture Exhibition in
the Sonsbeek Park Arnhem (NL), 1955;
rebuilt in the sculpture garden of the museum, 1964-1965
architect: Gerrit Rietveld (1888 - 1964)

- keep watching -